Zhenxing Dong (董振兴)

I am currently a fourth-year Ph.D. student in Department of Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), supervised by Prof. Yuye Ling. Before that, I received the B.Eng. degree in Information Engineering from South China University of Technology (SCUT) in 2020.

My research interests include Virtual & Augmented reality, Computational displays & imaging, and Biomedical imaging.

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Publications and Preprints
Motion Hologram: Jointly optimized hologram generation and motion planning via reinforcement learning for photorealistic and speckle-free 3D displays
Zhenxing Dong, Yuye Ling, Yan Li, Yikai Su

Under review, 2024  
[Technical Paper] [Code]

Divide-Conquer-and-Merge: Memory- and Time-Efficient Holographic Displays
Zhenxing Dong*, Jidong Jia*, Yan Li , Yuye Ling
* indicates equal contribution
IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), 2024  
[Technical Paper] [Code]

Frequency-aware optical coherence tomography image super-resolution via conditional generative adversarial neural network
Xueshen Li, Zhenxing Dong, Hongshan Liu, Jennifer J Kang-Mieler, Yuye Ling, Yu Gan

Biomedical Optics Express (BOE), 2023  
[Technical Paper]

Gaze-contingent efficient hologram compression for foveated near-eye holographic displays
Zhenxing Dong, Yuye Ling, Chao Xu, Yan Li, Yikai Su

Elsevier Displays (Displays), 2023  
[Technical Paper] [Wechat]

Deep learning empowered highly compressive SS-OCT via learnable spectral–spatial sub-sampling
Yuye Ling*, Zhenxing Dong*, Xueshen Li, Yu Gan, Yikai Su
* indicates equal contribution
Optics Letters (OL), 2023   (Top downloads in Mar. & Apr. 2023)
[Technical Paper]

GPU-accelerated iterative method for FD-OCT image reconstruction with an image-level cross-domain regularizer
Mengyuan Wang, Yuye Ling, Zhenxing Dong, Xinwen Yao, Yu Gan, Chuanqing Zhou, Yikai Su

Optics Express (OE), 2023  
[Technical Paper] [Code] [Project Page]

Fourier-inspired neural module for real-time and high-fidelity computer-generated holography
Zhenxing Dong, Chao Xu, Yuye Ling, Yan Li, Yikai Su

Optics Letters (OL), 2023  
[Technical Paper] [Supplement] [Code] [Project Page]

Frequency-Aware Physics-Inspired Degradation Model for Real-World Image Super-Resolution
Zhenxing Dong, Hong Cao, Wang Shen, Yu Gan, Yuye Ling, Guangtao Zhai, Yikai Su

arXiv, 2021  
[Technical Paper]

Awards and Honors

  • SPIE Student Travel Grant. SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, 2024
  • United Automotive Electronic Scholarship, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2023
  • 武汉光博会-智能光子(AI Photonics)技术研讨会, Best Poster Award, 2023
  • Outstanding Ph.D. Student, John Hopcroft Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Second Prize, 2022
  • "Huawei Cup" the 17th China Post-Graduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling, Second Prize, 2020
  • National Encouragement Scholarship, South China University of Technology, 2017
Academic Services

  • Conference Reviewer for ECCV (2022, 2024)
  • Journal Reviewer for Photonics Research, Displays, Optics Express, Optics Letters, Biomedical Optics Express
Teaching Assistants

  • TA in SJTU EE367: Fundamentals of Communication Circuits - Spring 2021, 2022
